Friday, January 26, 2007

Laboratory Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology

Laboratory Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology
by Dennis Strete (Author), Steve Alexander (Author), Mary Jane Niles (Author)

Product details:
* Paperback
* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions) (1 May 2003)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 0071151249
* ISBN-13: 978-0071151245

Book Description:
A modern general microbiology laboratory manual that combines the procedural details of a laboratory manual with the photographic support of a laboratory atlas. The 46 class-tested laboratory experiments are divided into 9 specialty areas, and the extensive four-color illustration program includes 220 photos and micrographs plus 150 line drawings.

Table of contents
Safety in the Microbiology Laboratory
I Survey of Microscopic Organisms
A The Microscope
1 Structure, Function, and Use of the Microscope
2 Microscopic Comparisons of Microorganisms, PMulticellular arasites, and Microscopic Invertebrates
B Microorganisms
3 MicrobialProkaryotes: Bacteria and Cyanobacteria
4 Microbial Eucaryotes: Fungi
5 Microbial Eucaryotes: Protozoans and Algae
C Multicellular Parasites
6 Flatworms and Roundworms
D Microscopic Invertebrates
7 Zooplankton
8 Disease Vectors
II Staining Techniques
A Morphological Stains
9 Negative Stain
10 Smear Preparation and the Simple Stain
B Differential Stains
11 Gram Stain
12 Acid-fast Stain
C Structural Stains
13 Spore Stain
14 Capsule and Flagella Stains
D Application
15 The Staining Characterization of a Bacterial Unknown
III Bacterial Cultivation
A Aseptic Technique
16 Bacteria and Fungi in the Laboratory Environment: The Necessity of Aseptic Technique
B Culture of Bacteria
17 Preparation and Inoculation of Growth Media
18 Culture Characterization of Bacteria
IV Bacterial Identification
19 Biochemical Tests Used to Identify Bacteria
20 Application: The Identification of a Nonclinical Bacterial Unknown
V Medical Microbiology
A Bacteria of the Human Body
21 Isolation and Identification of Staphylococci from the Skin
22 Isolation and Identification of Streptococci from the Throat
23A Identification of Enteric Bacteria, Including the Intestinal Pathogens Salmonella and Shigella
23B Enterotubes, a Rapid Test System to Identify Enteric Bacteria
24 Isolation and Identification of Bacteria from the Urinary Tract
B Treatment of Bacterial Infections
25 Assessing Antibiotic Effectiveness: The Kirby-Bauer Method
C Application
26 Identification of a Clinical Bacterial Unknown
VI Controlling the Risk and Spread of Bacterial Infections
A Proper Food Handling
27 Killing Bacteria with High Temperature
B Disinfecting Skin and Countertops
28 Skin Disinfection: Evaluating Antiseptics and Hand Sanitizers
29 Cleaning Countertops with Disinfectants
C Testing Drinking Water Safety
30 Bacteriological Examination of Drinking Water Using the MPN Method
VII Bacterial Genetics
A Bacterial Genomic DNA
31 Bacterial DNA Isolation and Southern Analysis
32 Mutagenesis in Bacteria: The Ames Test
B Plasmid DNA
33 Plasmid Isolation and Restriction Mapping
C The Transfer of Drug Resistance
34 Acquiring Antibiotic Resistance Through Bacterial Transformation
35 Acquiring Antibiotic Resistance Through Bacterial Conjugation
VIII Viruses
A The Nature and Characterization of Viruses
36 Viral DNA Fingerprinting
B Virus Propagation
37 Isolation of Bacteriophage from Sewage and Determination of Phage Titer
38 The Virus Infection Cycle: The One-step Growth Curve
39 Infection of Plant Leaves with Tobacco Mosaic Virus
IX Hematology and Serology
A Hematology
40 Identification and Enumeration of White Blood Cells
B Serology
41 Antigen-Antibody Precipitation Reactions and Determination of Antibody Titer
C Serological Techniques
42 Agglutination Reactions: ABO Blood Typing
43 Immunodiffusion: Antigen-Antibody Precipitation Reactions in Gels
44 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
45 Bacterial Protein Fingerprinting and Western Blotting
46 The Neutralization of Viruses by Antibodies

Download - Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4


karthik said...

Dear MicrobeHunter,
I've downloaded Part 1 of "Laboratory Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology" but you doesn't provide any password for that "rar" file. Kindly provide the pass word.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Do you have the password in Laboratory Exercises in Organismal and Molecular Microbiology?
