Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients: Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine

A Century of Nobel Prize Recipients: Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine (Neurological Disease & Therapy)
by Francis Leroy (Editor)

Product Details
* Hardcover: 300 pages
* Publisher: CRC; 1 edition (March 13, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0824708768

Book Description
This eye-catching resource profiles no fewer than 450 scientists. The volume is arranged first by discipline, then by date, covering laureates from 1901 to 2001. The introduction to each section describes 20th-century advances, such as the synthesis of such compounds as ammonia, fertilizers, and plastics, and recent research in molecular, supra molecular, and materials chemistry. Individual entries include a portrait, birthdate and place, description and fruition of the research, and career development. Entry style varies slightly in the separately authored sections--physics essays contain quotes and hobbies, chemistry and medicine essays include fathers' occupations. Essays on notable laureates such as Enrico Fermi, Thomas Hunt Morgan, and Linus Pauling are longer than those on lesser-known people. Original artwork, colorful captioned drawings of models and structures, and diagrams illustrate complex scientific principles and may invite browsing. Collaborative awards are cross-referenced in bold type and non-Nobelist contributors to the work, including many women, are credited but not indexed. Name and subject indexes and a table of the science awards by year are included. Both George Thomas Kurian's The Nobel Scientists (Prometheus, 2002) and Nobel Prize Winners (1987) and Supplement (1997, both H. W. Wilson) have lengthier entries but lack Recipients' great graphics and appealing format.

